How to Fix Instagram Error While Adding Captions

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, where users can share their photos and videos with their followers and the world. Captions are an essential part of Instagram posts, as they provide context, personality, and engagement to the visual content.

However, sometimes users may encounter errors while trying to add captions to their posts, such as captions not showing up, captions disappearing after posting, captions being blocked, or captions not working with auto-generated features.

These errors can be frustrating and annoying, as they can affect the quality and reach of the posts. In this blog post, we will explain the possible causes of these errors, and provide some quick fixes and solutions to help you resolve them.

Table of Contents

Why Do Instagram Caption Errors Occur?

There are various reasons why Instagram caption errors may occur, ranging from connection issues, to app glitches, to user mistakes. Some of the common causes are:

  • Poor internet connection: If your internet connection is slow, unstable, or interrupted, you may face problems while uploading or editing your captions. This can result in captions not showing up, captions disappearing, or captions being incomplete.
  • Outdated app version: If your Instagram app is not updated to the latest version, you may experience bugs or glitches that can affect the functionality of the captions. This can cause captions to not work properly, captions to be blocked, or captions to not support certain features.
  • Exceeding caption limits: Instagram has certain limits for the length and format of the captions. You can’t include more than 2,200 characters, 30 hashtags, or 5 mentions in a single caption. If you exceed these limits, your caption may be rejected, truncated, or hidden.
  • Using inappropriate or banned words: Instagram has a strict policy against spam, abuse, and harassment. If your caption contains any inappropriate, offensive, or banned words, your caption may be blocked, removed, or reported.
  • Using unsupported characters or symbols: Instagram captions support most of the common characters and symbols, but not all of them. If your caption contains any unsupported characters or symbols, such as emojis, fonts, or special characters, your caption may not display correctly, or may disappear after posting.
  • Using incompatible devices or settings: Instagram captions may not work well with certain devices or settings, such as iPhones, iPads, or screen readers. This can cause captions to not show up, captions to not work with auto-generated features, or captions to not be accessible to all users.

How to Fix Instagram Caption Errors?

If you are experiencing issues with Instagram captions, there are several steps you can take to try and fix them. Here are some of the possible solutions:

  • Check your internet connection: Make sure your internet connection is fast, stable, and uninterrupted. You can try switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data, or restarting your router or modem. You can also check if Instagram’s servers are running without issues.
  • Update your app version: Make sure your Instagram app is updated to the latest version. You can check for updates in the App Store or Google Play Store, and install them if available. Updating your app can fix any bugs or glitches that may be affecting the captions.
  • Edit your caption: If your caption is not showing up, disappearing, or being blocked, you can try editing it by following these steps:
    • Open Instagram and open the post to which you want to add or edit a caption.
    • Tap the three dots above your post.
    • Next, tap Edit.
    • Add or edit the caption and tap the checkmark icon.
  • Ensure you don’t exceed the caption limits: Make sure your caption does not exceed the character, hashtag, or mention limits. You can use a character counter tool to check the length of your caption, and remove any unnecessary or redundant words, hashtags, or mentions. You can also use a hashtag generator tool to find the best hashtags for your post, and limit them to 30 or less.
  • Avoid using inappropriate or banned words: Make sure your caption does not contain any inappropriate, offensive, or banned words that may violate Instagram’s community guidelines. You can use a word filter tool to check your caption for any problematic words, and replace them with more suitable ones. You can also report any abusive or spammy comments on your post, and block or mute any unwanted users.
  • Avoid using unsupported characters or symbols: Make sure your caption does not contain any unsupported characters or symbols that may cause display or formatting issues. You can use a font generator tool to find the best fonts for your caption, and limit them to the ones that are supported by Instagram. You can also avoid using too many emojis, special characters, or punctuation marks, as they may affect the readability and accessibility of your caption.
  • Use compatible devices or settings: Make sure your device or settings are compatible with Instagram captions. If you are using an iPhone or iPad, you can try turning off the Smart Punctuation feature in your keyboard settings, as it may cause captions to disappear after posting. If you are using a screen reader, you can try turning on the VoiceOver feature in your accessibility settings, as it may help you read the captions better. You can also enable the auto-generated captions feature on Instagram, if available, to make your content more accessible to users with hearing difficulties.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Instagram caption errors, and their answers:

  • Why is my caption not showing on Instagram story?
    • If your caption is not showing on your Instagram story, it may be because of the following reasons:
      • Your caption is too long or too short, and it is hidden by the story viewer or the swipe up feature.
      • Your caption is covered by stickers, filters, or other elements on your story.
      • Your caption is in a color or font that is not visible on the background of your story.
      • Your caption is not supported by the device or app version of the viewer.
    • To fix this issue, you can try the following solutions:
      • Adjust the length and position of your caption, and make sure it is not hidden or covered by anything.
      • Change the color or font of your caption, and make sure it is contrasted and clear on the background of your story.
      • Update your app version, and ask your viewers to do the same, to ensure compatibility and functionality of the captions.
  • Why is Instagram not letting me put captions?
    • If Instagram is not letting you put captions, it may be because of the following reasons:
      • Your internet connection is poor, unstable, or interrupted, and it is preventing you from uploading or editing your captions.
      • Your app version is outdated, and it is causing bugs or glitches that are affecting the captions.
      • You are exceeding the caption limits, and your caption is being rejected, truncated, or hidden.
      • You are using inappropriate or banned words, and your caption is being blocked, removed, or reported.
      • You are using unsupported characters or symbols, and your caption is not displaying correctly, or disappearing after posting.
    • To fix this issue, you can try the following solutions:
      • Check your internet connection, and make sure it is fast, stable, and uninterrupted.
      • Update your app version, and install the latest updates if available.
      • Ensure you don’t exceed the caption limits, and remove any unnecessary or redundant words, hashtags, or mentions.
      • Avoid using inappropriate or banned words, and replace them with more suitable ones.
      • Avoid using unsupported characters or symbols, and limit them to the ones that are supported by Instagram.
  • Why is Instagram blocking my caption?
    • If Instagram is blocking your caption, it may be because of the following reasons:
      • Your caption contains inappropriate, offensive, or banned words that violate Instagram’s community guidelines.
      • Your caption is spammy, repetitive, or irrelevant, and it is flagged by Instagram’s spam detection system.
      • Your caption is reported by other users, and it is reviewed by Instagram’s moderation team.
    • To fix this issue, you can try the following solutions:
      • Review Instagram’s community guidelines, and make sure your caption does not contain any problematic words or content.
      • Avoid spamming, repeating, or posting irrelevant captions, and make sure your caption is original, relevant, and engaging.
      • Appeal the block, if you think your caption was wrongly blocked, and explain why your caption is appropriate and compliant.
  • How do you fix Instagram captions not showing?
    • If your captions are not showing on Instagram, it may be because of the following reasons:
      • Your internet connection is poor, unstable, or interrupted, and it is preventing your captions from loading or displaying.
      • Your app version is outdated, and it is causing bugs or glitches that are affecting the captions.
      • Your caption is too long or too short, and it is hidden by the post viewer or the see more feature.
      • Your caption is covered by stickers, filters, or other elements on your post.
      • Your caption is in a color or font that is not visible on the background of your post.
      • Your caption is not supported by the device or app version of the viewer.
    • To fix this issue, you can try the following solutions:
      • Check your internet connection, and make sure it is fast, stable, and uninterrupted.
      • Update your app version, and install the latest updates if available.
      • Adjust the length and position

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