Justin Chien: What are the secrets of The Brother Suns fame Star!

Justin is Taiwan born American actor. He is also a writer, co-director and co-producer of high rated Shorts Continuum in 2018

He is expert in Martial Arts. He is practicing Muay Thai for the last 10 years. He is a blue belt in jiu-jitsu from last 4 years.

He studied at the esteemed University of Southern California (USC) where he earned a scholarship to USC's School of Dramatic Arts

He did a rigorous training as part of BFA program, where they do play every semester, with 6-8 hours of production.

He belongs to a prestigious family of Taiwan. His father Carl Chien CEO of Taiwan at JPMorgan. His mother is associated with the ZOE ARTS organization and Arcana Institution in Taipei, Taiwan.

Justin chien's family with Parents and Siblings

In DC Film Girl Interview,  Justin learns delivery and mindful attention from Michelle Yeoh, qualities that make one a superstar! Michelle is very kind. She treats everyone on set like family, even off-camera 

What Justin chine learns from superstar Michelle Yeoh

No, we never met each other. They first met on Set. Where they are like "who are you?" That's what a script needed to  express right expression. 

Do Justin chien and Sam Song Li, two brothers in The Brothers sun personally know each other?

“As most of the shooting was done in Taiwan, I got some time to spend with my real family and siblings, which I hadn’t had for many years, as I grew up in America.”

How The Brothers Sun reconnect Justin chine with his family?

"In an interview, Sam Song Li described Justin Chien as “an incredibly charming person. We have very similar tastes, sensibilities and sense of humor "

How The Brothers Sun two brothers Justin Chien and Sam Song Li form their bond for life time ?

Justin Chien also mentioned that he sees Sam Song Li as his little brother and that he is used to that dynamic since he has two younger brothers in real life.

How The Brothers Sun two brothers Justin Chien and Sam Song Li form their bond for life time ?