Gabriel Sloyer is an American actor, portrays Diaz in Griselda 2024
Gabriel Sloyer is an American actor, portrays Diaz in Griselda 2024
Do you know, Before Griselda, he worked in Netflix hit series “Narcos” and “Orange is the New Black"
Do you know, Before Griselda, he worked in Netflix hit series “Narcos” and “Orange is the New Black"
Gabriel wildly successful project is “Red Dead Redemption II", a video game where he voiced to Javier Escuella
Gabriel wildly successful project is “Red Dead Redemption II", a video game where he voiced to Javier Escuella
Is he single? No! He has a Girlfriend, with whom he enjoyed playing Red Dead Redemption II
Is he single? No! He has a Girlfriend, with whom he enjoyed playing Red Dead Redemption II
Gabriel's Friend
Gabriel's Friend
Gabriel father Javier is an immigrant from Mexico and settled in America.
Gabriel father Javier is an immigrant from Mexico and settled in America.
Gabriel's brother
Gabriel's brother
Gabriel loves pet either it is dog or cat. What's your favorite?
Gabriel loves pet either it is dog or cat. What's your favorite?
He enjoys coolant. What's your favorite coolant?
He enjoys coolant. What's your favorite coolant?
Select Paulina Dávila : Griselda’s Friend Isabel | Paulina and Albero Guerra affair | Griselda 2024
Select Paulina Dávila : Griselda’s Friend Isabel | Paulina and Albero Guerra affair | Griselda 2024